
Results: 1090

31Filming Exercise – “because …” Shoot footage for a short piece about why people chose their shoes, what they like about them, and what is personal to them about them. Film the shoes and feet of each person in the

Filming Exercise – “because …” Shoot footage for a short piece about why people chose their shoes, what they like about them, and what is personal to them about them. Film the shoes and feet of each person in the

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- Date: 2011-03-22 12:03:08
    32Water Conservation Rebates and Taxes Thank you for conserving Southern California – it is making a difference in this historic drought. Thousands of homeowners and business owners chose to take action in 2015 to reduce

    Water Conservation Rebates and Taxes Thank you for conserving Southern California – it is making a difference in this historic drought. Thousands of homeowners and business owners chose to take action in 2015 to reduce

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    - Date: 2016-02-02 11:16:48
      33the law offices of  CLIENTS “When our buildings were sold to a large New York City developer, we all got very nervous and scared – until we chose

      the law offices of CLIENTS “When our buildings were sold to a large New York City developer, we all got very nervous and scared – until we chose

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      - Date: 2012-05-04 14:45:07
        34E0-J13 Chose any One English Hindi

        E0-J13 Chose any One English Hindi

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        - Date: 2014-12-05 20:03:22
          35Scientists chose Bennu as the target of the OSIRIS-REx mission because of its composition, size, and proximity to Earth. Bennu is a rare B-type asteroid (primitive and carbon-rich), which is expected to have organic comp

          Scientists chose Bennu as the target of the OSIRIS-REx mission because of its composition, size, and proximity to Earth. Bennu is a rare B-type asteroid (primitive and carbon-rich), which is expected to have organic comp

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          - Date: 2016-06-24 16:11:17
            36So what exactly is “home education” in Alberta?  controlled) by the government in order to qualify for the higher level of funding, parents who chose to “align” even more, or all, of their child’s education wit

            So what exactly is “home education” in Alberta? controlled) by the government in order to qualify for the higher level of funding, parents who chose to “align” even more, or all, of their child’s education wit

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            - Date: 2011-12-01 02:41:01
              37Susanne Specht « Avec la pierre, mon travail me fait entrer dans un espace-temps infini. Je traverse la croûte insignifiante du temps, pour apercevoir quelque chose caché depuis des millions d’années. »  • In

              Susanne Specht « Avec la pierre, mon travail me fait entrer dans un espace-temps infini. Je traverse la croûte insignifiante du temps, pour apercevoir quelque chose caché depuis des millions d’années. » • In

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              - Date: 2016-03-15 06:15:39
                38Mars 2005  à la une. Département : SOCIAL Selon les dispositions de l’article 2052 du Code civil, « les transactions ont, entre les parties, l’autorité de la chose jugée en dernier ressort ». Or, la jurispruden

                Mars 2005 à la une. Département : SOCIAL Selon les dispositions de l’article 2052 du Code civil, « les transactions ont, entre les parties, l’autorité de la chose jugée en dernier ressort ». Or, la jurispruden

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                - Date: 2014-04-15 14:46:27
                  39droit commercial  contenu • appliquer la législation relative à l’acte de vente (avant, pendant et après); • appliquer la législation relative à la “chose”; • appliquer la législation relative au prix;

                  droit commercial contenu • appliquer la législation relative à l’acte de vente (avant, pendant et après); • appliquer la législation relative à la “chose”; • appliquer la législation relative au prix;

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                  - Date: 2011-11-23 16:32:47
                    40Digital Rio 2016: app & website •This is mobile Olympic Games. The social conversation is on our cell phones •We chose a strategy of spread the message where the people are. We partner with all of the big social medi

                    Digital Rio 2016: app & website •This is mobile Olympic Games. The social conversation is on our cell phones •We chose a strategy of spread the message where the people are. We partner with all of the big social medi

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                    - Date: 2016-08-07 17:20:51