
Results: 5512

71FlarmView and FlarmView57 Flarm collision avoidance display VersionLXNAV d.o.o. • Kidričeva 24a, 3000 Celje, Slovenia • tel +fax +

FlarmView and FlarmView57 Flarm collision avoidance display VersionLXNAV d.o.o. • Kidričeva 24a, 3000 Celje, Slovenia • tel +fax +

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- Date: 2015-09-24 02:14:07
    72CAiSE ForumJune 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia where people and ideas meet!  

    CAiSE ForumJune 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia where people and ideas meet!  

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      73Modeling	versions	of	KOS	with	FRBR	(with	a	 short	introduc;on	to	FRBR	consolida;on) Maja	Žumer	 University	of	Ljubljana,	Slovenia

      Modeling versions of KOS with FRBR (with a short introduc;on to FRBR consolida;on) Maja Žumer University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

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      - Date: 2015-12-09 16:41:31
        74Unified approach to qualitative motion planning in dynamic environments ˇ Domen Soberl and Ivan Bratko Faculty of Computer and Information Science Veˇcna pot 113, Ljubljana, Slovenia

        Unified approach to qualitative motion planning in dynamic environments ˇ Domen Soberl and Ivan Bratko Faculty of Computer and Information Science Veˇcna pot 113, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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        - Date: 2016-07-07 18:37:02
          75State ownership in public real estate registers - the basis for management (Marijana VUGRIN, Tomaž PETEK, Andrej MESNER, Slovenia) Key words: social property, real estate records, privatization SUMMARY The concept of st

          State ownership in public real estate registers - the basis for management (Marijana VUGRIN, Tomaž PETEK, Andrej MESNER, Slovenia) Key words: social property, real estate records, privatization SUMMARY The concept of st

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          - Date: 2012-09-28 03:20:40
            76The culture of hate in Slovenia has reached unprecedented proportions. It has been deserving of detailed analysis for some time now, but it hangs over all of us invisibly, and like a sickness saps our strength to resist

            The culture of hate in Slovenia has reached unprecedented proportions. It has been deserving of detailed analysis for some time now, but it hangs over all of us invisibly, and like a sickness saps our strength to resist

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              77The representation of Slovenia at the 54th Venice Biennale—the oldest and undoubtedly most prestigious international event in the world of art—has never caused as much media controversy as this year. Criticisms have

              The representation of Slovenia at the 54th Venice Biennale—the oldest and undoubtedly most prestigious international event in the world of art—has never caused as much media controversy as this year. Criticisms have

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                78EkoSMART in EMZ - IS2016 Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana, Slovenia * Opis Delavnice V okviru S4 je bil na področju pametnih mest in skupnosti sprejet program EkoSMART, ki združuje različna pomembna področja pov

                EkoSMART in EMZ - IS2016 Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana, Slovenia * Opis Delavnice V okviru S4 je bil na področju pametnih mest in skupnosti sprejet program EkoSMART, ki združuje različna pomembna področja pov

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                - Date: 2016-08-04 03:59:17
                  79The Biomot Meeting in Lepena, September 2014 In the forth week of September 2014 BIOMOT researchers and work package leaders gathered in Lepena, which lies in Slovenia’s largest protected area, Triglav National Park. I

                  The Biomot Meeting in Lepena, September 2014 In the forth week of September 2014 BIOMOT researchers and work package leaders gathered in Lepena, which lies in Slovenia’s largest protected area, Triglav National Park. I

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                  - Date: 2015-01-09 11:39:44
                    80OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2015 Country profile SLOVENIA  Access links

                    OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2015 Country profile SLOVENIA Access links

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                    - Date: 2016-03-29 12:12:45