Bird of prey

Results: 234

1John Moran Auke Bay Laboratories  Identifying of humpback whale and marine bird prey using

John Moran Auke Bay Laboratories Identifying of humpback whale and marine bird prey using

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- Date: 2013-02-28 14:24:00
    2Of all the birds, our Creator chose the Eagle to be the leader  SKY HUNTERS Raptor Education and Rehabilitation N OT E S F R O M T H E N E S T SPRING 2015

    Of all the birds, our Creator chose the Eagle to be the leader SKY HUNTERS Raptor Education and Rehabilitation N OT E S F R O M T H E N E S T SPRING 2015

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    Language: English - Date: 2015-04-24 12:23:34
    3Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 35 Rolf D. Baldus and Ludwig Siege (Eds.) Checklist of the Birds of Selous Game Reserve. by Dr. Neil Stronach

    Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 35 Rolf D. Baldus and Ludwig Siege (Eds.) Checklist of the Birds of Selous Game Reserve. by Dr. Neil Stronach

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    Language: English - Date: 2006-03-06 09:30:22
    4Carotenoid-Based Coloration, Condition, and Immune Responsiveness in the Nestlings of a Sexually Dimorphic Bird of Prey

    Carotenoid-Based Coloration, Condition, and Immune Responsiveness in the Nestlings of a Sexually Dimorphic Bird of Prey

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    Language: English
    5Sky Hunters Raptor Education and Rehabilitation NOTES FROM THE NEST WinterGREETINGS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

    Sky Hunters Raptor Education and Rehabilitation NOTES FROM THE NEST WinterGREETINGS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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    Language: English - Date: 2012-12-05 07:37:52


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    Language: English - Date: 2011-10-02 15:25:31
    7Osprey How can osprey be distinguished from other birds? Osprey are hawks that are distinguished by the ‘M’ shape of their wings and the dark brown line that stretches from the eye across the side of the face. Adults

    Osprey How can osprey be distinguished from other birds? Osprey are hawks that are distinguished by the ‘M’ shape of their wings and the dark brown line that stretches from the eye across the side of the face. Adults

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    Language: English - Date: 2015-03-09 13:06:22
    8The Porch Kestrel an expository rough draft from Mr. Harrison He swooped at me, then disappeared into the darkness before the dawn. The next day, he repeated this gesture, and I decided I had to learn more about him. An

    The Porch Kestrel an expository rough draft from Mr. Harrison He swooped at me, then disappeared into the darkness before the dawn. The next day, he repeated this gesture, and I decided I had to learn more about him. An

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    Language: English - Date: 2012-10-21 01:26:42
    9My Early Morning Porch Kestrel an expository essay from Mr. Harrison He swooped at me, then disappeared into the darkness before the dawn. The next day, he repeated this gesture, and I was inspired to learn more about hi

    My Early Morning Porch Kestrel an expository essay from Mr. Harrison He swooped at me, then disappeared into the darkness before the dawn. The next day, he repeated this gesture, and I was inspired to learn more about hi

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    Language: English - Date: 2012-10-21 01:26:40
    10The Bird Gazette Volume 1, Issue 1 A Home Made Of Twigs Birds are amazing builders. They make nests of all sizes and shapes to keep their eggs and babies safe from bad

    The Bird Gazette Volume 1, Issue 1 A Home Made Of Twigs Birds are amazing builders. They make nests of all sizes and shapes to keep their eggs and babies safe from bad

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    Language: English - Date: 2009-04-29 18:48:30